All JCLL teams are provided with the following equipment
Team bag containing helmets, bats, and catchers gear*
1 bucket of practice balls
1 box game balls
Pitch counters*
First aid kit
Ice packs
*Tee ball - no catchers gear or pitch counters needed. Tees are provided and are also available in the field sheds.
Other useful coaching equipment
Throw down bases
Hitting nets
Hit stick
Skinny bat w/ mini foam or wiffle balls
Wiffle balls/soft light foam balls/tennis balls for fielding or hitting drills
Heavy balls/impact balls for hitting drills
Throwing target mat for fence/pitching target for hitting net/9 hole pitching target
L-screen for batting practice (located in Field 1 storage shed)
If practicing at a non-baseball/softball field:
Portable Pitching Rubber (push down spikes)
Measuring tape for pitching mound distance
Requirements on bats for Little League
All bats must comply with the Little League bat rules, which require them to meet the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat)
More information can be found here:
JCLL Equipment Manager - Tashi Valladares